• Citadel


    Citadel is an AI-powered property management software that streamlines and automates maintenance requests and inquiries, saving time and increasing efficiency for property managers and ultimately leading to happier homeowners.

    My Role As a full-stack software engineer, I built the front-end and heavily contributed to back-end from the ground up using Solid.js for creating UI, Tailwind for styling, and Nest.js for creating RESTful APIs, Prisma as an ORM to connect to PostgreSQL database. Also, Docker was used to containerize the back-end and database for the application deployment. I worked for nine months and delivered the Minimum Viable Product.
  • Adsight


    Adsight Media is a group of Digital Marketing Experts that have the Experience to grow businesses in the online market space. Using the Adsight platform, advertisers can find, purchase, and measure their outdoor advertising campaigns, all in one place.

    My Role as a software engineer, I worked remotely for a year and half and built the front-end platform from scratch using tools like Gatsby.js, Firebase, and React-Map-GL. I achieved up to 70% of the platform development.
  • Bitwit


    Bitwit enables Bitcoin holders to see where they can spend their cryptocurrency. Also the platform helps people understand what their daily purchases cost converted into Bitcoin using Bitcoin Daily feature.

    My role involved working as an software engineer for nine months and building the whole application from scratch using Next.js, Vercel, and Mui (Material-UI).
  • TODO-Remix

    Todo Remix

    Todos-Remix is just a simple todo application for testing a react framework Remix. The interesting part about this app is it's based on SSR and not a single line of JS code will be loaded in the app. One can disable the javascript on the browser and the app still works.

    My Experience was working for two weeks using tools such as Remix, Prisma, tailwind, Docker, Postgresql.