Hello there, This is Amir Golestani
I'm Happy to see you here.

I'm a full-stack engineer with a focus on front-end development. I have extensive experience with Solid.js, a modern JavaScript framework that I have been using for a year. Before that, I worked with React.js and its frameworks, such as Next.js and Remix. I have contributed to various projects, and three of them are highlighted in the Projects section. I have also experience in Back-end frameworks like Nest.js, Django, Flask and Ruby on Rails.

You can find my resume for a succinct overview of my background and qualifications
Amir's Resume

Besides coding, I enjoy playing video games such as League of Legends and Rainbow Six Siege and chess (I am still a beginner at it 😅).
As for outdoor activities, I love to go walking, running, camping and join whatever team games that you would think of.